Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Conservatives for Health Care Reform

I know that the title may confuse some of you, but if you think about it, they stole our wording from us. I saw this comment on my favorite website today and thought I would pass it on. Maybe if the word gets out, more people will see that conservatives are not against healthcare reform. We are Pro tort reform, PRO patients rights, PRO free-market solutions. The thing that we are not for is a single payer or public option. Hat tip to ted c at HotAir. We, the hard-working citizens of the U.S., do not want to pay for healthcare for those in the U.S. who do not work. I think that the government needs to keep its hands out of my pocket and my bank account. The government does not need to take anymore money from me. They already take about 30-35% of what my husband and I make. We make enough money to pay most of our bills and put food on the table. I don't need them to make me give more of my hard earned money to something which I do not agree with.
Please check this link for more information on tort reform. Hat tip again to PJ Media.

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