Sunday, August 16, 2009

the fallacy of what is being called racism in America

"Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself. It is the hallmark of an authoritarian regime." U.S. Justice Potter Stewart

The above quote is a good lesson for those of us in the United States today. I have been reading some incredibly disturbing news stories and op ed pieces on the internet lately. It seems that the MSM (main stream media) has taken steps to demonize the conservatives lately. Those people who only watch the news and read the paper, don't have the full picture. It is disturbing to me, because they don't realize how much the MSM is directing their thoughts. The MSM doesn't want you to know that what is being said and done through the grassroots movements is not the result of some crazy mobs. They have accused the conservatives of being racist, because of signs that they have seen in these protests. Though the MSM hasn't done a thorough job of fact checking before accusing. Then after finding out that they are wrong, they haven't taken steps to show the real truth behind these signs. The one in particular that I am thinking of is the Obama picture with a Hitler type moustache drawn into it. This sign was actually made by members of La Rouche. They were mad and protesting because they felt that Pres. Obama wasn't going far enough to the left in the liberal agenda of Universal Health Care. In spite of that, the MSM has allowed people to assume that this sign was being held by a conservative, racist, right-wing lunatic. To be honest with you, I sincerely believe that dissent is the truest form of patriotism. To here the left tell it though, we are racist if we don't support Pres. Obama and his far left liberal agenda. Now, I want you to think back to when Pres. Bush was in office. People protested him all the time and with much more hateful diatribe than what most of these protesters on the right have done. There were posters of Bush calling him BusHitler with Hitler type moustaches on his picture. There were VERY disturbing signs of pictures of Bush with a gun to his head. They were very rude to President Bush, but he never once suggested that it was criminal in the way that they were acting. He took it in stride, while I sat at home fuming and wanting to kick some liberal hind end. Now Pres. Obama wants to silence us by calling us racist and by sending union thugs to these townhall meetings to cower us by intimidation.
Really, what can you say to someone who calls you a racist? I am in fact white, but my husband and my daughter are minorities. If you want to call me a racist, I am fine with that, because there really is no way to argue against that statement. If I say that I am not racist, then I'm a racist. If I say that I am racist, then I'm a racist. But I say to you, take a look at my life, my friends, my loved ones, etc. then tell me I am a racist. But don't look at me because I may be carrying a sign that says don't tread on me or has Obama portrayed as the Joker, and call me a racist. You don't know me from the man in the moon. When you do, then you can call it as you see it.
Also, if it was okay, to protest Pres. Bush, then it too is okay to protest the policies of Pres. Obama. DISSENT IS THE PUREST FORM OF PATRIOTISM.

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